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The frequency of  required biomonitoring tests is specified in the NPDES permit.  Some facilities are required to test their effluent only annually.   Others may be required to test twice a year, while others may be required to test quarterly, or even more often.

Upon completion of a test, the results are reported by the testing laboratory.   Although there is no particular specified format for these reports, a biomonitoring report should include the following details.

General Information
Permit number
Toxicity testing requirements of the permit
Facility location
Name of the testing laboratory
Source of Effluent and Dilution Water
Sampling points
Collection dates and times
Sample collection method (i.e. grab sample or composite sample)
Physical and chemical data
Test Details
Type of biomonitoring test and treatments tested
Date and time test started and ended
Type and volume of test chambers
Number of replicate chambers used with each treatment
Number of organisms tested in each chamber
Test temperature
Test Organisms
Scientific name
Age and source of test organisms
Quality Assurance Details
Date and time of most recent reference toxicant test
Reference toxicant used
Results of reference toxicant test
Biomonitoring Test Results
Raw data sheets showing daily records of survival and water quality information
Tables showing required endpoints for the test (e.g. LC50, NOEC, LOEC etc.)
Statistical Methods used to calculate endpoints
Agency Forms

Agency forms are pre-printed forms which are usually supplied with the permit.   When a test is completed, the agency forms are filled in with the tabulated results of the test, and are submitted along with the biomonitoring report to the regulatory agency.

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page last updated: 07/29/99