Review 4

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  1. How does a facility know how often it must conduct biomonitoring tests?
  2. What are 4 general information items that should be included in a biomonitoring report?
  3. What are 4 important details about the effluent sample that should be included in a biomonitoring report?
  4. What are 6 things about the test itself that should included in a biomonitoring report?
  5. List three important details about the test organisms that should be included.
  6. What are three quality assurance details that should be included in a biomonitoring report?
  7. What are Agency Forms, and where does the permittee obtain these forms?
  8. What does the term TRE stand for?
  9. What are four important goals of a TRE?
  10. What does the term TIE stand for?
  11. What is the goal of a TIE?
  12. Which is the larger project -- a TRE or a TIE? Explain your answer.
  13. When is a facility usually required to perform a TRE?
  14. What is generally the first step in a TRE?
  15. How much money might a facility expect to have to pay for a TIE?
  16. What are two different approaches that can be taken in performing a TIE?
  17. Which approach is usually the most efficient and effective?
  18. Which approach relies on characterizing the toxicity before trying to identify the toxic substance?
  19. Which approach relies on analyzing the sample for  so-called "priority pollutants"
  20. How many "priority pollutants" are there?
  21. Do the "priority pollutants" include most of the possible toxicity causing chemicals?
  22. What are two reasons why the conventional approach to TIEs is often ineffective?
  23. How many phases are there in a toxicity based TIE?
  24. What are the goals of each of these TIE phases?
  25. Which phase of a TIE is concerned with characterizing the toxic substance?
  26. What are some examples of characteristics of a substance that might be determined?
  27. Which phase of a TIE is concerned with confirmation of the toxicant?
  28. What kinds of expertise are important in team members conducting a toxicity based TIE?

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Page last updated on 08/10/99