Review 2

Up Test Species Quality Assurance Review 2

These review questions are taken from material covered in Session 2.  Upon completion of  Session 2, you should be able to answer all of these questions.  If you are taking this workshop for University credit,  test questions for Session 2 will be adapted from these review questions.

  1. What freshwater fish species is commonly specified to be used in acute and chronic biomonitoring tests?
  2. Name two cladoceran species which are often used in biomonitoring tests.
  3. What is the common name and the species name of fish which is commonly used in estuarine biomonitoring tests?
  4. What are three important reasons for specifying a particular species to be used in NPDES biomonitoring tests?
  5. NPDES permits usually specify the age of the organisms used in biomonitoring tests. What age group is usually specified -- juveniles or adults?  Why?
  6. In what kind of natural habitat are fathead minnows normally found?
  7. When fathead minnows are used in a chronic test, how old must they be at the start of the test?
  8. When fathead minnows are used in an acute test, what is the maximum age that can be used?
  9. What is a common name for cladocerans?
  10. What does the term "parthenogenesis" mean?
  11. What is the term used for newly-born cladocerans?
  12. How old are Ceriodaphnia dubia when they usually begin to reproduce?   
  13. How many young are usually produced by Ceriodaphnia dubia in a single brood?
  14. Are Ceriodaphnia dubia more commonly used in chronic tests or in acute tests?
  15. Which is larger in size -- an adult Ceriodaphnia dubia or an adult Daphnia pulex?
  16. Which species is more likely to specified as the test species for an acute test -- Ceriodaphnia dubia or Daphnia pulex?
  17. Are mysid shrimp used in freshwater tests or in marine and estuarine tests?
  18. When mysid shrimp are being used in a chronic 7-day test, what are two sublethal responses that can be observed?
  19. How long does it take for a mysid shrimp to reach sexual maturity?
  20. Can mysid shrimp reproduce parthenogenetically like cladocerans?
  21. Where are sheepshead minnows found naturally?
  22. Are sheepshead minnows plant-eaters, meat-eaters, or omnivores?
  23. How long is a sheepshead minnow at birth?
  24. What are four important requirements regarding the source and condition of test organisms being used in an NPDES biomonitoring test?
  25. In NPDES biomonitoring tests, how long may an effluent sample be held prior to initiation of the test?
  26. What is the maximum holding time for an effluent sample being used during a test?
  27. What is the difference between a "grab" sample and a"composite" sample?
  28. What is the maximum holding time for receiving water samples?
  29. What are receiving water samples used for?
  30. Should receiving water samples be collected upstream or downstream from the effluent outfall?
  31. What is meant by the term "reference toxicant"?
  32. For what purposes are reference toxicants used in biomonitoring?
  33. Name three examples of substances that can be used as reference toxicants.
  34. Why do NPDES biomonitoring tests require the use of replicates?
  35. What is usually the least number of replicates required in an NPDES biomonitoring test?
  36. What percentage of the test organisms must survive in the controls in order for a biomonitoring test to be considered valid?
  37. Where can one find the appropriate specified statistical procedure which must be used to analyze and evaluate the results of a NPDES biomonitoring test?  

Up Test Species Quality Assurance Review 2
[Workshop Main Page]    Page last updated: 07/22/99