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Window Layout of Query by Example

Below are screen shots of the Watson Database Lab. As you will note, the major sections of the lab are numbered and explained below the image.

1. Watson Control Bar - The common Watson control bar for all applications. This bar contains all the functions to run an activity and get important information about the lab. There are some slight differences in the Imperative Lab that are not like the rest of the labs

  • There are no activities to actually be worked. That is, the DONE button does not check to see whether the specific program currently in the code window actually does what the activity was meant to do.
  • Activities are only there as examples from the text for the user to run and modify.
2. Relation Editor Area - This window allows the user to select a relation and choose parameters for it.
  • Check Box's - Check each box above the tuple that you want to project in the relationship.
  • " = " Button - Click these buttons continuously to switch between operators.
  • " Value " Button - Click these buttons to enter a number or alphabetic value to compare with the selected operator.
  • Join Button - Once the first relation is selected, you can press the Join button to select the second relation in the operation.
  • View Button - Use this button to display the results of a given query or join in the output window.
  • Cancel Button - Cancels all previous selections.
  • Review Button - Prompts to select a relation, then displays all tuples and all attributes of that relation.
  • Delete Button - Used to delete a generated relation.
3. Relation Output Window - This window will display the names of the query that the user has created along with the relations used to create new ones.

4. Output area - This window shows all output from your generated relations or joins, its the answers to your activities that will be displayed here.

Window Layout of the Query by Relational Example

1. Watson Control Bar - The common Watson control bar for all applications. This bar contains all the functions to run an activity and get important information about the lab. There are some slight differences in the Imperative Lab that are not like the rest of the labs:

  • There are no activities to actually be worked. That is, the DONE button does not check to see whether the specific program currently in the code window actually does what the activity was meant to do.
  • Activities are only there as examples from the text for the user to run and modify.
2. Relation Editor Area - This window allows the user to select a relation and choose parameters for it.
  • Project Button - Used to initialize a project statement in the editor window.
  • Select Button - Used to initialize a select statement in the editor window.
  • Join Button - Used to initialize a join statement in the editor window.
  • View Button - Use this button to display the results of a given query or join in the output window.
  • Cancel Button - Cancels all previous selections.
  • Review Button - Prompts to select a relation, then displays all tuples and all attributes of that relation.
  • Delete Button - Used to delete a generated relation.
3. Relation Output Window - This window will display the names of the query that the user has created along with the relations used to create new ones.

4. Output area - This window shows all output from your generated relations or joins, its the answers to your activities that will be displayed here.

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Last updated: 10/22/03.