FLNG 201-001
Spring Quarter 2008
Instructor: Dr. Bruce R. Magee
Latin Links
FLNG 201-001
Room: AHC 164
Time: 11:00-12:15 MWF
Home Page:

Office: GTM 222 
Phone: 257-5494 
Hours: 9:00-11:00 MWF
12:00-2:00 TR
or by appointment

Catalogue Information

FLNG. 201: Special Offerings in Less Commonly Taught Languages: Intermediate 1:
0-3-3. Preq., FLNG 102 The more complex structures of a language not listed in other departmental offerings; emphasizes communicative competence for contemporary languagues and reading competence for classical languages.
FLNG. 202: Special Offerings in Less Commonly Taught Languages Intermediate 2:
0-3-3. Preq., FLNG 102. The more complex structures of a language not listed in other departmental offerings; emphasizes communicative competence for contemporary languagues and reading competence for classical languages.
FLNG. 494: Independent Studies in Foreign Languages:
1-3 credit hours (9). Preq., advanced standing and permission of Departmental Head. Topics in foreign languages, literature and linguistics for independent study in the student's curriculum specialty.


Simpson, D. P., ed.  Cassell's Latin and English Dictionary.

Magee Packet.

Attendance Requirements

Daily Quizzes 45%
1st Exam 15%
2nd Exam 15%
3rd Exam 15%
Attendance 10%
Total 100%

Students taking the course for honors credit will also write an 8-10 page paper on Roman literature, culture, or history.  It will be worth 25% of the final grade.

The grading scale is A: 90-102%, B: 80-89%, C: 70-79%, D: 60-69%, F: 0-59%.

Graded Material
In the event of a question regarding an exam grade or final grade, it will be the responsibility of the student to retain and present graded materials which have been returned for student possession during the quarter.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
Students needing testing or classroom accommodations based on a disability are encouraged to discuss those needs with me as soon as possible.

Honor Code
In accordance with the Academic Honor Code, students pledge the following: Being a student of a higher standard, I pledge to embody the principles of academic integrity.

Registration Week: March 5-7
Period 1  
Period 2 Packet 15. Genesis 1
Week 1: March 10-14
Period 1 Packet 17. Genesis 2
Period 2 Packet 18. Genesis 3
Period 3 Packet 20. Psalm 1 & Psalm 23.
Week 2: March 17-21
Period 1 Packet 21. John 1.
Period 2 Packet 27. Rosarium Latinum.
Ordo Missae Cum Populo (Order of Mass with a Congregation--Vatican II)The Mass is just for fun.  It's in Latin and English.  Print it out & bring it to class.  The home page of this has links where you can hear portions of the Mass with  ecclesiastical pronounciation.
Period 3 Off for Easter
Week 3: March 24-28
Period 1 Off for Easter
Period 2 Test 1
Period 3 Packet 47. "Phyllis & Aristotles"
Packet 29.  Cicero (GRASP method)
Week 4: March 31 - April 4 
Period 1 Packet 37-38. "De advocato et diabolo"
Period 2 Packet 39-40. Aesop's Fable (Phaedrus)--Asinus et leo venantes
Period 3 Packet 41-42. Caesar. Gallic War.
Week 5: April 7-11
Period 1 Packet  43-44. Caesar. Gallic War.
Period 2 Packet 45-46. Caesar. Gallic War.
Period 3 Packet 45-46. Caesar. Gallic War.
Week 6: April 14-18
Period 1 Packet 60ff.  Catullus V (5),
Catullus VI (6)
Period 2 Packet 64ff.  Catullus CI (101),
Period 3 Test 2
Week 7: April 21-25
Period 1 Catullus CI (65)
Period 2 Virgil, The Aeneid 1. 1-16.
Period 3 Virgil, The Aeneid 1. 17-33.
Week 8: April 28 - May 2
Period 1 Virgil, The Aeneid 12. 919-952.
Period 2 Virgil, The Aeneid 12. 919-952.
Period 3 Livy 2. 10.  Horatio at the Bridge
Week 9: May 5-9
Period 1 Livy 2. 10.  Horatio at the Bridge
Period 2 Livy 2. 10.  Horatio at the Bridge
Period 3 Livy 2. 10.  Horatio at the Bridge
Week 10: May 12-16
Period 1 De rege ei milite qui viderunt pauperem laetantem et cantantem
Period 2 Final
Period 3 Finis