wear old shoes


Step one can be titled "Preparation". In this phase all the necessary tools and safety materials should be gathered. First find an area where the deer can be lifted to approximately six feet with the head pointing to the sky. This spot should have access to a water source. Once you have a place to hang the deer secured, you will need to find a refrigerated storage device to place it once finished.

 Immediately following, the appropriate safety materials should be obtained. While processing a deer, the main danger comes in the form of a blade. To alleviate this problem, your safety materials will require a pair of cut resistant gloves. With safety taken care of, next comes the choice of knives. All knives are made to cut; however, there are two blades that are especially useful when knivesprocessing deer. First, we have the "gut hook blade" which is much like a standard knife, but with a "j" shaped razor edged hook attached to the top end. Secondly, there is the bone saw. For this you can use a small limb saw or purchase a saw designed especially to cut bone. Lastly, you will need a container to catch and discard the animal's entrails after completion.

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