Intellectual Properties: Granted U.S. Patents.
Please check out Dr. Yang Xiao's profile at Purdue University's Office of Technology Commercialization and his patents filed by Purdue Research Foundation. here.
5. Transition Metal Carbides for Catalytic Methane Activation, Patent No. US11524279B1, December 13, 2022. PDF | Link
4. Low-Temperature Catalytic Conversion of Methanol to Formaldehyde, Patent No. US10392333B2, August 27, 2019. PDF | Link
3. Conversion of Glycerol to Hydrocarbon Fuels, Patent No. US10781376B2, October 3, 2018. PDF | Link
2. Method of Producing Hydrocarbons from Methane, Patent No. US10450247B2, September 19, 2018. PDF | Link
1. Catalytic Deoxygenation of Bio-Oils Using Methane, Patent No. US10023809B2, Granted on July 17, 2018. PDF | Link